Dewberry Farm's Fall Festival dates: September 29 - November 11, 2018. Saturday's and Sunday's only.
Saturdays: 10am - 6 pm.
Sundays: 11 am - 6 pm.
Dewberry Farm's ChristmasFest - Trail of Lights dates: November 23 - December 30, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays
Every Friday, Satuday & Sunday nights from 4 pm - 9 pm.
Come out early and enjoy the activities at no additional charge with your Trail of Lights ticket on days when we are open for Christmas Tree Sales (11/23/18 - 12/16/18)
Regular Farm Admission includes:
- Unlimited Play at over 35 Attractions: 8 acre Corn Maze, Pumpkin Patch, Pig Races, Jumping Pillows, Sliiide Mountain, Pedal Carts, Climbing Wall, Whizzer, GrassHopper, The Black Hole, Pumpkin Hollar, Mustang Carousel, Sports Ball Zone, Rat Racers, Giant Roller Slide, Black Momba, Fort DewHickey, Farmer Flinger, Hay Mountain, Wagon Train, Wagon Rides to pumpkin patch, Armadillo ChooChoo, SpringTown, Hi-Strikers, Spider Web, Tug O War, Human Foosball, Horse Shoo Lake, Windmill Park, Cackle Palace, Goatel 6, Rubber Duck Races, Barnyard Animals, Puzzle Maze, Corn Box, Tether Ball, Candy Cannon, Little Farmersville, Bird Houses
- One Turn at each of these 4 activities: Flower Picking, Gemstone Mining, Apple Cannons, Paint Ball Gallery
- NOT INCLUDED: Face Painting & Pony Rides. (Purchase tokens on-site to participate in these activities).
Fall "No Frills" Senior General Admission Ticket includes:
- Discount ticket valid for guests age 55 +, ID required.
- Basic admission to the farm, 8 Acre Corn Maze, Wagon Ride to the Pumpkin Patch, Barn Yard, Pig Races.
- For those Seniors who wish to participate, tokens are required for: Apple Cannons, The Black Hole, Climbing Wall, Dewville Express Train Ride, Flower Picking, Gemstone Mining, GrassHopper, Jumping Pillows, Mustang Carousel, Paint Ball Gallery, Pedal Carts, Pumpkin Hollar, Sliiide Mountain, Whizzers. Tokens - $4 each.
Always Free Admission for children age 2 and under.